Sunday, January 2, 2011

4 day countdown!

Its hard to believe only 4 more days until we leave! We are very excited and nervous at the same time. The preparations have been going pretty good, I have been off work since last Monday, which has really helped to get things together and to finish things around the house. Raina and I will both be off work this week, so hopefully we will have plenty of time to tie up all the loose ends. The last couple weeks have been somewhat of a struggle trying to juggle everything, and we definitely noticed Satan trying to get in our way. But now that the stress of the holidays is finally passed, we are starting to feel a little more comfortable about the trip.

We are eternally grateful to everyone who has supported us prayerfully and financially. God has truly blessed us with wonderful friends and family who have made this trip possible. I'm sure the first week or two of the trip will be the most difficult, so please continue to pray for us as we enter into an unknown environment.

We will try to give an update when we arrive, which should be sometime on Saturday the 8th.

God Bless!


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