Friday, January 7, 2011

Just trying to get there....

Ello greetings from Lundin,

So we left Columbus yesterday at 5:30pm our time....and wouldn't you know it decides to snow only in Columbus right when we have to leave. Needless to say we were delayed about an hour and half getting into Chicago.

So OF COURSE we would miss our next flight direct to Delhi, India. (KC has horrible luck with flying FYI don't ever fly with him, your flight will be delayed or cancelled ). We were re-routed through London then onto Delhi, which I was excited about-at least I could say I'd been to England !:) Anywho so the flight to London had a "leaking galley" which turned out to be a leaking COFFEE POT, a must-fix for all international flights apparently. We were delayed another 2 hours, and missed our flight to India...again. Sigh.

 So here we London for 6 hours, waiting to go to India tonight, where we will miss our connecting flight to Raipur. BUT we got 10 pounds a piece to make up for it...woohoo(and just so everyone's clear I was sadly mistaken about the pounds/dollars exchange rate....that is like $5 in the airport for us to eat on ...and the dieting begins! :) )

I really do like traveling though, there are TONS of interesting people in the London airport, from alllll over. We fly British airways too....and it is virtually empty so were hoping for a whole row to ourselves. The most interesting part is going to be when we get into our final destination 12 hours later than planned,  and have to explain to the hospital that we need a ride now....wonder if Indian transportation is any more reliable than Central American???

 off to use our 10 pounds for food!

Raina (and KC)

PS   Things I have learned about international flights so far:

1.) When riding in Coach...don't approach the Business class loo with your toothbrush in hand, they will kindly look you up and down, ask what seat you are in and send you back to the coach bathroom

2.) Don't ever expect multiple connecting flights to...connect

3.) Pack extra clothes in your carry-on for when you are told that ONE of your 3 checked bags was last seen at JFK, and the other ones have not been seen....oops.


  1. Awwww guys!! That sounds terrible but you have such positive attitudes! If you keep approaching all the little potholes in the road with the same optimism you have now, then everything will be such an adventure!

  2. KC & Raina, So sorry to hear all this. Sounds like you've now become seasoned travelers. What you are experiencing is what I call the "necessary evil of travel"... the flights to and from your destination! You didn't mention any added bonuses such as, the pat downs or the extra personal luggage re-packing service (this is what I always seem to get if you travel with me). Take care and keep up the positive attitude! Aunt Dora
